What are transits in Astrology?
Once you get a bit more advanced in Astrology, you enter the world of transits. Transits are the movements of the planets in the sky at a given moment and how they apply to your natal chart.
What Astrology transits matter?
Some transits are short; some are slow. We're more interested by the long term transits as they're the one which will have a profound impact on your life and psyche. For example, if Moon transits your Pluto, it has no bearing on your life. This transit lasts a day and won't leave any lasting effect. But if Pluto transits your Moon, this is a transit that you will experience for a year or no, which does represent long-lasting effects on your psyche.
It leaves us with Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and of course the Nodes and Chiron! Mars transits are also interesting to track but they act as detonators and not so much any long-lasting lesson. Let's review what the transits of these planets want from you and how to get out of it alive!
Transits of Jupiter to the birth chart
A Jupiter transit serves to expand, highlight, and reorganize various aspects of life. The well-known saying, "Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands," holds true, whether for better or worse. Adding the words "reorganize" and "legalize" provides a more comprehensive understanding of the effects Jupiter brings to the table.
It's not uncommon to witness separations or marriages during a Jupiter transit through the 7th House. In both scenarios, Jupiter plays a role in reorganizing and formalizing, albeit in different directions.
When Jupiter conjuncts a planet, it accentuates and magnifies its influence. In the case of squares or oppositions to Jupiter, a reorganization is prompted, while trines and sextiles signify support and facilitation for the matters involved.
Transits of Jupiter bring optimism, confidence, and sometimes arrogance. Opportunities arise and they are meant to put you in the right direction, whatever this direction is or whether you like it or not is not Jupiter's concern.
You'll find these transits to be in general lucky and positive; and again the notion of positive is only on a broad and long-term perspective, not on a perspective of what you're wishing for at the moment - Planets don't care for that.
Transits of Saturn to the birth chart
When Saturn transits the natal chart, its intention is to ground us, foster maturity, encourage a slower pace, and instill a sense of responsibility.
Challenging Saturn aspects have the power to conclude situations that have outlived their validity. The deliberate deceleration imposed by Saturn prompts us to reflect deeply, urging us to reevaluate past decisions, recognize missteps, and take on greater responsibility for personal growth. Running around aimlessly is not conducive to this process, and this is precisely when Saturn intervenes, compelling us to pause and scrutinize our actions.
Saturn's impact can vary, evoking feelings of weightiness and suffocation or, conversely, providing a stabilizing and grounding influence. This variability is influenced by the planets involved and the specific aspects at play. Additionally, one's individual relationship with Saturn plays a role, with Capricorn individuals typically navigating Saturn's challenges more adeptly than, for instance, a Pisces or someone with Neptune square Sun in their natal chart.
Feeling a sense of depression during Saturn transits is not uncommon. This emotion arises because Saturn reveals our limitations and confronts us with the unvarnished reality of our circumstances. Sometimes, the exploration of an idea or situation to its fullest extent, even if it proves unsuccessful, becomes a necessary step in discovering solutions beyond our previously conceived possibilities.
While Saturn transits are often dreaded, it's essential to recognize that if one dreads Saturn, one is essentially dreading reality itself. Saturn's only role is to present life, people, and ourselves in their truest forms. If you've been deceiving yourself or harbouring wishes without taking tangible actions to support your dreams, Saturn may seem harsh. However, in essence, Saturn serves as a mirror reflecting things as they truly are.
Transits of Uranus to the birth chart
Uranus signifies a liberation — a breaking free from situations that no longer hold validity, shedding limitations, and departing from modes of experience we no longer value.
Typically, Uranus manifests suddenly and in what may seem like "crazy" ways. Events occur unexpectedly, emotions become wild and scattered, and there's a sense that the ground is shifting beneath our feet, leaving us feeling out of control.
Uranus transits speak to a period of self-discovery, a time when you embrace your authentic self — not the version shaped slowly by societal expectations, partners, friends, or jobs. It's about unveiling the real you that has been hidden, yearning to break free. Uranus, at its core, is authentic, and its transits focus on revealing this authenticity. Additionally, they bring to light your needs for independence, space, authenticity, freedom, and change.
Challenging Uranus transits, marked by squares, oppositions, or conjunctions, often signal the conclusion of a phase and the beginning of new opportunities. During such periods, resistance to change can lead to unnecessary difficulties. Conversely, easier transits can be exhilarating and exciting, facilitating a smoother adaptation to the transformative energies at play.
These transits may usher in a version of yourself that feels unfamiliar, as the real you emerges. During this time, compromise may be less appealing, and there's a sense that whatever needs to happen must occur in the present moment. It's an impetuous and liberating experience.
Transits of Neptune to the birth chart
Neptune transits serve as a continual examination of your perceptions, delusions, and dreams. The key questions are: Are you being idealistic or delusional? Are you projecting your dreams or actively living them? Are you maintaining a connection with your compassion and spirituality?
In the realm of Neptune, situations are often either dissolved or veiled and sometimes, veils are lifted — albeit gradually. Experiencing a Neptune transit can feel like navigating a dream where you question, "Did I just dream that?"
This stands in stark contrast to Saturn, which acts as a reality check to jolt you out of delusions. Neptune offers a unique lesson; it arrives, confuses, blurs, and dissolves. Why? Because within this temporary confusion and uncertainty, there lies the opportunity to challenge your certainties and reassess your path.
Consider a scenario where you've been steadfastly dedicated to a career for a decade, convinced it aligns with your desires and identity. Then, Neptune knocks on your door, prompting you to question your certainty. In an uncharacteristic move, you might choose to depart from the situation. While it might initially feel like a loss, it's not. Instead, it signifies a reorientation towards being truer to your spiritual goals.
Transits of Pluto to the birth chart
Pluto transits are easily recognizable, particularly if you've experienced one or two yourself — you might even identify them in others' lives. It often presents itself as someone sharing, "I've done this crazy thing (usually something highly destructive), and I feel like I've gone insane, but I can't stop." Quite accurate.
These transits are the most ruthless, sharing a common element: something or some things will be destroyed, unequivocally. Whether these things lie within you or are external, like a situation, a person, or a job, the initial phase involves external circumstances taking things away or self-induced destruction.
The concept of destruction and loss triggers vivid fears, precisely what Pluto embodies. As you read this, you might already be pondering what you could lose and how to prevent it.
Having navigated a continuous Pluto transit since 2014, I can assure you there's no way to prevent it. I understand the accompanying anxiety, but I've also grown wiser. Pluto triggers our need for control and our fear of death and change. Despite claims of not fearing death, everyone does, just in different forms. When Pluto takes or compels us to let go of something we vehemently resist, the struggle intensifies.
Pluto transits teach the hard lesson of letting go, though some navigate them without truly learning. Things are taken and rebuilt, yet the art of letting go may remain difficult. No one is forced to learn anything; it's part of the game. Personally, I haven't fully mastered that lesson after many years, but I can see progress is at play.
There is no inherent cruelty in Pluto transits. Despite the pain and crisis, what is taken away proves necessary years later. However, if you fail to focus on the lesson and learn from it, it may feel unnecessary and daunting.
These transits usually span 3 to 5 passages, with approximately 70% being chaotic and destructive. The remaining 30% marks the end of the transit, offering an opportunity to rebuild after the hurricane's destructive path. After a Pluto transit, the opportunity arises to discover strength, resilience, and power that seemed unimaginable before. Pluto is a game changer, demanding hard efforts but ultimately providing transformative potential.
Recommended reads:
Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living
Astrological Transits: The Beginner's Guide to Using Planetary Cycles to Plan and Predict Your Day, Week, Year (or Destiny)
Predictive astrology: Understanding transits as the key to the future