Saturn in aspect to Mars is a very strong aspect to have. Whenever Mars is involved, it tends to impact men and women very differently. Men are represented by Mars and do identify + embody it quite strongly. Women on the other hand do tend to shy away from their Mars and project its energy much less strongly. Let's dive in.
Mars in hard aspect to Saturn in the birth chart: Mars conjunct Saturn, Mars square Saturn, Mars opposite Saturn, Mars quincunx Saturn.
When Mars and Saturn interact in a birth chart, there can be a clash between the urge to act and the need to plan, organize and control. This can manifest in a variety of ways, depending on the specific aspects between the two planets. When Mars and Saturn are in hard aspect, there is a powerful urge to take action, but the action is likely to be inhibited by a feeling of restriction or a fear of failure. People with this aspect may feel stuck in a rut, unable to make progress or take initiative due to their own self-imposed limitations. They may also be overly concerned with detail, unable to see the bigger picture.
When Mars and Saturn are in harsh aspects the person is dealing with:
Impossibly high standards
Being driven by fear and shame
Strong sense of inadequacy
Cruel inner voice
Imposter syndrome
Fear of failure
Playing small
Only pursuing situations that are very challenging and difficult
Need to prove oneself
This usually goes back to childhood, where one of the parents may have been someone violent, harsh, and tyrannical. The father is usually someone with impossibly high standards and the child grows up with a feeling that, whatever he may do, the father will never be proud. Sometimes, no one was particularly tyrannical or difficult but the person for one reason or another grew to be their own worst critic.
If you have Saturn in hard aspect to Mars in your birth chart, you're suffering from an inner belief that you are unworthy, inadequate, a failure and "not good enough." Yet, you also feel incredibly compelled to work harder. Obstacles fuel you and you never give up on what it is that you want. You might take 10 years to get there when 1 only was necessary, but you won't give up.
Mars also represents sexuality, and there may be some inhibitions around this area. There is sometimes lack of self-confidence and a problem either with sex drive or with sexual expression. As Saturn represents restrictions and shame, sometimes you find an attraction for bondage practices.
Men with Mars in harsh aspect to Saturn are essentially insecure about their masculinity. As a result, they tend to choose to overcompensate and overdo the masculine persona. Typically, you'll find extremely "masculine" men with this aspect, very focused on being a "man", being disciplined, and hardworking. They can hide their insecurity pretty well. Women with a harsh Mars-Saturn aspect tend to be perhaps critical and harsh but, they usually are simply shy and not overcompensating for their insecurity. They tend to become passive and let other people take the reigns. They're still incredibly resilient and hardworking, but they simply don't compensate for the fear.
Mars - Saturn conjunct: There is a powerful urge to take action, but the action is likely to be inhibited by a feeling of restriction or a fear of failure. People with this aspect may feel stuck in a rut, unable to make progress or take initiative due to their own self-imposed limitations. They may also be overly concerned with detail, unable to see the bigger picture.
Mars - Saturn square: There is a tendency to push too hard for results and become frustrated or angry when progress is not made. This aspect can also lead to procrastination or a tendency to give up as soon as a challenge arises.
Mars - Saturn opposite: It can indicate a person who is excessively controlling, demanding and authoritarian. They may be quick to criticize or take a hard line against those who do not meet their standards. It is important that they learn to be more tolerant and accepting of others, as this aspect can lead to a lot of tension and resentment.
Mars - Saturn quincunx: It can manifest as a feeling of being out of sync with the world. People with this aspect may feel isolated and disconnected, unable to find their place in the world or feel comfortable in their own skin. It is important for them to learn to accept and embrace their own unique gifts and talents, in order to find a sense of balance. No matter the aspect, when Mars and Saturn interact in a birth chart, it is important to remember that with hard work and dedication, progress and success can be achieved. It is also important to recognize when it is time to take a break and relax, as this can help to restore balance and reduce tension.
Those who mastered this aspect know the saying: The only failure occurs when you stop trying.
Mars in soft aspect to Saturn in the birth chart: Mars sextile Saturn, Mars trine Saturn
When Mars and Saturn are in a sextile aspect, they work harmoniously together. This aspect helps to bring out the best qualities of both planets. Those with this aspect in their chart have the ability to take action and be successful in whatever they set their mind to. They have the focus and drive to accomplish their goals, as well as possess the discipline and patience to work through any challenges they may face.
When Mars is in trine aspect with Saturn, it encourages practicality and focus. Those with this aspect in their birth chart have the capability of staying on task and seeing projects or tasks through to completion. They also have the ability to stay organized, plan ahead, and be prepared for any situation. This aspect can help those with it to take control of their lives and make their dreams a reality.
In conclusion, when Mars and Saturn are in a sextile or trine aspect in the birth chart, it can have a major influence on how a person expresses their ambition and determination. Those with this aspect have the focus and drive to accomplish their goals, as well as the discipline and patience to work through any challenges they may face. They also have the ability to stay organized and be prepared for any situation. All of these qualities can help an individual to take control of their life and make their dreams a reality.