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The Venus Return: meaning for your love life
Once a year, Venus returns to the exact position it occupied at the moment of your birth. This moment — called the Venus Return  — acts...
22 hours ago

Transit Pluto in aspect to Venus: Nothing will ever be the same
When Pluto makes an aspect to your natal Venus—whether it’s a conjunction, square, an opposition or a quincunx—expect your relationship...
2 days ago

The Astrology of breaking up: Top transits for ending a relationship
There are moments in life when something in you knows—this isn’t sustainable. This isn’t love anymore. Maybe it never was. And while your...
2 days ago

Saturn transits: What they mean and how to navigate them
What Saturn Represents: Saturn is often referred to as the "Taskmaster" or the "Teacher" of the zodiac. It symbolizes structure,...
May 8, 2024

Pluto transits: What they mean and how to navigate them
What Pluto Represents: Pluto symbolizes power, transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Pluto is associated with the unknown, darkness,...
May 2, 2024

Neptune transits: What they mean and how to navigate them
What Neptune Represents: Neptune is often referred to as the "Mystic" or the "Dreamer" of the zodiac. It symbolizes spirituality,...
May 1, 2024

Uranus transits: What they mean and how to navigate them
What Uranus Represents: Uranus is often referred to as the "Great Awakener" or the "Rebel" of the zodiac. It symbolizes individuality,...
May 1, 2024

The Jupiter Return: Abundance & Blessings
What is the Jupiter return? The Jupiter Return is an astrological event that happens to everyone, approximately every 12 years. We say...
May 12, 2023

The type of partner you will meet - Based on your transits
When will you meet someone? One of the most common questions I receive when doing readings for a client is this one: "When will I meet...
Aug 22, 2022

Transits of Uranus to the birth chart
What are transits? In astrology, transits refer to how the planets in the sky move and interact with the planets in your birth chart....
Aug 15, 2022

Transits of Jupiter to the birth chart
Transits of Jupiter Transits of Jupiter to birth chart planets are fun but they can be somewhat unpredictable if you don't know how to...
Aug 1, 2022

Astrology of toxic relationships: Sick love & limerence
There is so much to write about love, relationships, and all the ways in which dysfunction and toxicity can occur; but today I want to...
Mar 29, 2021

Transits in Astrology: A guide to understanding how to interpret them
What are transits to the birth chart? Personal transits are how planets in the sky at any given moment interact with your birth chart....
Oct 21, 2020

The oh so feared Saturn return
What is the Saturn return? The Saturn return occurs when at about 27-29 years old, Saturn returns to its natal position. Saturn is...
Aug 17, 2020

Timing new relationships with Astrology: My personal experience
Timing new relationships with Astrology As a Libran Astrologer, a lot of my mental space goes toward relationships, ah. I already wrote a...
Aug 3, 2020

The Astrology of 2020: Order in chaos
Most of us Astrologers had predicted it the severity of 2020 in various ways, and throughout this post, I'll aim to explain what I had...
Jun 16, 2020

Transits to the Ascendant: What to expect?
What is the Ascendant? The Ascendant is a major component of a chart, but somehow gets labeled as a "mask" or a shallow layer of our...
May 20, 2020

Transit Pluto square Moon: Experience
My experience on the transit of Pluto square Moon
Nov 22, 2019
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